Jackie's Story 

From an early age, I have been able to "read a room". I could easily sense if someone was in a good mood or a bad one.   What I didn't realize is that I was reading energy.

The energy that each of us carries, is a combination of our past and present moments as well as our perception of the world.

I became fascinated with Reiki Hands On Healing & Sound Bowl Healing modalities,  after I lost my mother, Royal.  At 3:30 in the morning on April 5, 2013, I had what is called a "share death" experience. I woke up from a deep sleep, taking in a gasp of air, felt a tap on my shoulder and heard my mother bid me farewell for now, as she transitioned into Heaven.

Years of grief followed as I managed through life, without having my mother to literally talk with 3 times a day on the phone. Yet, because of that experience, I knew our connection existed spirit to spirit through all time and all space.

The picture to the left.... you decide. It showed up on my phone after a trip to a monastery in Santa Barbara, CA where I spend time praying for my mother with a Franciscan Friar.

I studied to become a Reiki Master in Sedona, Arizona and Cave Creek, Arizona, as well,  I became certified as an Chopra Ayurveda Health Instructor. Helping people return to homeostasis, or balance...  is my life purpose and mission.

During our time together, my goal is to assist you in removing energy blocks, create deep relaxation and then allow the wisdom of your spirit to guide you into greater wellness of being- body, mind & soul.  

What Does The Cleveland Clinic Say About Reiki Healing